the ramblings of a displaced Philly girl

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Favorite Things #3

Well, I am in a good mood, because it has been super warm finally, today wasn't a terrible day of work, and my closet is FINALLY fixed. even RIDICULOUSLY DUMB VA Beach drivers couldn't get me down! So, I decided to write a happy sunny post. Here's a continuation of some old posts I did of my favorite things :)

beach weather-- hey if you live here, why not appreciate it when you get it?! :)

Starbucks iced white chocolate mochas with non-fat milk and no whipped cream-- the hot one was my new addiction in the winter, but the iced version is perfect for summer!!!! I think the daily Starbucks morning meetings in Dallas got me re-addicted. mmmmm.

CPCU taught by someone from outside-- I am actually learning a lot! and it's interesting! and oddly, it's all law stuff! Maybe I should have been a lawyer... I did consider it... eh, or maybe not. maybe I'm doomed to corporate hell for the rest of my life. oh wait, this post was supposed to be happy. ok moving on.

Newman's Own Tequila Lime Salsa-- an odd new snacking addiction. I had never before been a salsa person. but, it's veggies (sort of) and it's actually not that bad for you!

Sugar Slicks lip gloss-- I love all things Sugar (including my new bronzer), but I ESPECIALLY love this lip gloss in Gleam. I love it way more that my Tutti Dulci, which until recently was unstoppable. Hit up to check it out.

and while we're on the subject-- Stila, Sugar, Urban Decay, Smashbox, Dessert, Philosophy, and free samples with every order!!! AND delivered right to my doorstep! what's not to love?! actually, though, I am addicted to the Smashbox mascara sample I got, but I totally balked at paying $22 for the full size! maybe SOME things aren't love worthy... it just might be worth it though. haven't decided yet :) If you happened to have tried it, weigh in!

softball on TV-- over now, but what a great run! thank you Olympic team for making softball mainstream! And thank you, Michigan, for winning a national championship and finally bringing UCLA down. and one more thank you-- to the Alabama superstar pitcher from PA, who kicked ass and represented despite the comments from the commentators like "I know you're wondering what a Pennsylvania girl is doing in a west coast dominated sport..." grrrr

The Container Store-- infinite ways to organize!!!! there's a reason gold is my second color :Þ The Container Store has to just be the coolest place ever. and apparently a great place to work! hmmm... oh wait--forgot-- doomed to corporate hell. k moving on again.

Tivo-- or the cable version of it anyway-- TV now has to follow MY Schedule instead of the other way around! muuuuahahahahaha. I don't know how I ever watched TV with commercials! :)

Summer-- I can't wait for this summer's trips! We have a hotel booked now for D's wedding and NYC on the Fourth, and I have plane tix now for California for backpacking (DIRECT believe it or not! go Philly Int'l!)

cucumbers-- still nature's most wonderful veggie! :)

Fire Me, Please!-- HILARIOUS new show on CBS on Tuesday nights from the BBC. OMG I DIE every time I watch it!!! people compete to get fired closest to 3pm without going over-- and of course their boss and co-workers have no idea this is going on or that they're on TV. side-splitting. definitely worth Tivo'ing

my cats-- for cracking me up! give them a giant TV box and watch the hilarity ensue... oh yeah btw I have a new TV and will never shop at Best Buy ever again (no joke). I'll spare you the vent though :) Target, though, continues to please!

The Phillies-- for kicking mad ass and winning 13 of their last 16! now in second place and only a game and a half out-- I smell either a division title or a wild card...

levels-- what a neat invention! I don't know how I ever hung stuff without one!

Cheerios-- thank you to my mother for not letting me have sugary cereals! now I only like stuff that's good for me! btw-- if you haven't noticed the food theme, I am hungry! hehehehe

okay time to go. wow, I have a lot of things that make me happy! I need to remember that next time corporate hell strikes. lol. off to watch some Tivo'd S&tC! :) post YOUR recent faves if you have some! It's oddly smile inducing! hehehe gnight all


Blogger DutchGirl said...

Unfortunately, I am too cranky to smile. Studying for the bar does that to a girl. So don't become a lawyer. Really. This is the part they DON'T tell you about: 3.5 hours of class EVERY DAY where they speed you through stuff that you didn't learn in law school because they don't teach you anything there. 5 hours of studying after that trying to memorize stuff learned in class and read for next class so you're not completely lost. Yup, cranky.

But I do love sephora. It's a playland for girls; and I'd TOTALLY by the $22 mascara, especially if Lucky Magazine recommended it.

6:38 PM

Blogger Allison said...

I support designer makeup. My hypnose mascara from Lancome sucks though, and I am returning it. I am now v. curious about Sugar Slicks...I too have been a fan of the tutti dolci lip gloss for quite some time...

5:10 AM

Blogger PMoose said...

well, I decided to take your advice and hit up for my mascara, but Lucky Magazine apparently has made it popular and now out of stock!!! grrrrrrr

7:27 PM


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