Saturday Part 2: B is for BOOF
okay I need to write about the rest of yesterday while I'm still smiling to myself about it, so here goes... and for those of you who have asked for San Antonio Part 2, I promise I'll do it soon!
ok so anyway, last night I had a total first. There's this hilarious counselor on our systems team that is openly gay and often does drag shows. well, last time he had one, he invited everyone, but I was on my Six Foot Four date and couldn't go. so, I DEFINITELY wanted to go this time and have some fun. and it did not disappoint! I mean, I have to admit I was a little scared at first, because this was also my first gay bar experience and I had no idea what to expect... but I think it was funny that every guy there said in these places you can tell the straight people from a mile away. how?! got me but hey whatever works. so anyway, Ryan hosted the show as "Alexis" while other shemales came out and entertained as people lined up to tip. and then every so often, a real male dancer would come out and entertain, although he was a little scary... (but not as scary as the guy last time I hear!)
and just an ODD side note, if you wondered where the randomness about the pregnancy thing on my last post came from, it was in a dream. and, well, the random subject of my dream also happened to be at this bar last night. weird!
ok taking a break for a sec-- I also need to say that this was all a nice change from the rest of my night. After seeing the sad state of my iPod (only 9 gigs filled!) I decided that maybe I am not the music fan I thought I was and have since gone on an absolute downloading frenzy. I've been going through all the artists I like and seeing what songs I don't have and adding them. Well, I noticed that one of the people I don't have is Neil Diamond! okay okay before you start throwing things at your screen, let me explain!!!! see, I was raised on Neil Diamond. I was also raised on a lot of other music, like all of the great composers, Simon & Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell, Jim Croce... but Neil Diamond is the music that I remember in the car on road trips and playing in the kitchen while my mother was cooking... and, since I'm writing about firsts, I should tell you that Neil Diamond was also my first concert! Yes, my parents took me and my brother to see him when I was 5. and I still remember the sequined jumpsuits and all the chest hair. so Neil Diamond has special memories-- my mother still jokes about when I was young and I misunderstood the words to one of his songs, so I'd all of a sudden start belting out, "pillllloooooow, my friend... pillllloooooow...". so, just a warning-- if you wonder sometime (like last night) what I am singing under my breath, it just may be good old Neil.
anyway, back to last night. so after the official show ended, a couple of us stayed and tried to make the most out of the really bad techno beat in our favorite music. but, dancing was pretty hard, so I settled in and just talked to some new people. and I am SURE that one of the longer conversations I had is going to get me into trouble no matter how it pans out, but oh well. so, it was getting late, daylight savings time was approaching, and Steph and I didn't feel like paying cover to go to Shakespeare's, so we decided to go eat and call it a night. so off to Village Inn we went...
And it was there that the title of the blog comes from. if you have ever been around me and Steph, you know that we come up with the STUPIDEST inside jokes and they are all COMPLETELY random. and, last night was no exception. after listening to some Lil' Jon on the way over and somehow ending up screaming "ooooh ski ski mothafucka!!!" in an Asian accent, we went in to find a wait. and, actually, I'm kind of glad, because through it I learned a very important lesson: there are BOOTHS and then there are BOOFS! and let me tell you, after the description from the guy next to me, I want to sit at a boof from now on :) and he even said that I could totally do the boof. woohoo! i'm all pimped out, yo! (umm, or something like that!) must be all the hip hop classes :Þ
so anyway, that was my crazy Saturday. hope you enjoyed. and 'til I finally blog San Antonio part 2, peace out. and word to your mother. and last but not least, YO MAMA! (k don't worry, I'm really done now!) :)
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