the ramblings of a displaced Philly girl

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Weekend Recap

First of all, there is no way I can have a post about this weekend without talking about football. Yup, after heartache, injury, disappointment, and three looooong years, they finally did it!


now, very few of you out there probably really realize what that means to a Philadelphian. Love them or hate them, Philadelphia fans are some of the most loyal and intense in the country. Our fans live and die with our teams just as much as the identity of the city itself does. I like how ESPN described the mood in the city this morning: guarded optimism. It's always hard not to think of the past three years, but it is FINALLY here and we're NFC CHAMPS!!!! next stop: SUPER BOWL!!!!!! I just wish I had been there for all the craziness. One of the women on my team who has spent time in the city commented to me the other day that if I ever want my kids to understand how I feel and have the same sports upbringing that I did, I'm going to have to raise them near Philly. So, even though there are no kids anywhere in my immediate future, maybe that's just a sign that I eventually will end up back home. who knows...

Sorry, there are no stories today from the great church search. We didn't feel like going, so we did a low key breakfast and then went to the gym instead. Maybe it was last week's horror that brought this on... Anyway, more stories in two weeks. :)

The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. In preparation for the upcoming "Blizzard of 2005" (Virginia's apparent description for possibly getting 4 inches of snow), I stayed at Steph's and we did a classic cheese whiz and fries night, only with a couple of bottles of wine this time, which turned out to be quite a mistake :Þ All this after Friday's emergency meeting called by our managers to make sure everyone could get to work in the snow or at least knew where we had already booked hotel rooms just in case (damn 24 hour company). The outcome of all this? really cold windy weather and some rain and flurries... and a bunch of grocery stores bought out of milk and bread. amazing.

okay off to watch the Stillers game. I am actually rooting for them, even though I am usually anti-Picksburgh and Tom Brady is hot (right Al)? :) But, I am sick of the Patriots, and it would be awfully damn fun to have a Keystone State Superbowl, even though I'll still be in Virginia Beach, and, well, they'll be in Jacksonville... but hey still fun.

so, to everyone out there-- stay warm, relax, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. I know I will. later all!


Blogger James said...

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9:21 PM

Blogger James said...

I was hoping for Steelers / Eagles so I could trash talk here. But my guys blew it. So congrats! I'm glad one of us will be watching and enjoying the SB.

For my part, it was a great ride and it was fun while it lasted. They went farther than I'd thought they would at the beginning of the season.

9:21 PM


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