the ramblings of a displaced Philly girl

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

the Thanksgiving post

Hi all! Just a quick post tonight to say hello... I have been cleaning alllll day and I need something more fun to do! But, if I do say so myself, my apartment has come together perfectly-- even after last week's huge change everything around project. I still have more to do tomorrow, but I got more done today than I thought I would, and since family's coming late, I should have plenty of time. And it is sooooo nice to see my clean organized apartment! I think I'll keep it this way for awhile :)

In Thanksgiving notes, I decided to name my turkey Fred. Too bad we will be eating him Thursday... And no, there is no reason why I specifically named him Fred. I just opened the refrigerator door one day and said "Hey, Fred." he didn't say anything back. that's when I knew he was dead. :Þ
I love Thanksgiving! I even won the battle of making mashed potatoes. It was the stupidest argument in the history of Thanksgiving-- I told my mom I wanted to make them and she argued that they're not traditional and we don't need them. But I LIKE making them and so I am. who the hell likes sweet potatoes anyway?! haha.

And other than the food and company, who can guess my other favorite part of Thanksgiving? YEP! The MACY'S Thanksgiving Day Parade!!!! It's the perfect lead in to Black Friday, too. For awhile now my brother and I have had a cool tradition of going shopping on Friday to knock out the shopping for our parents and all. Call us crazy, but hey there are SALES! And well, there will be family here too and Virginia Beach doesn't exactly have a KoP, but hopefully we'll manage...

I can't wait to see my family! I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly. You can never tell. And the addition of my aunt will make everything that much different, so we'll see. I am just so glad I get to see everyone! I called my brother the other night and told him he needs to bring me Y100 Sonic Sessions 8, so if he does, that alone would make my weekend :) I called it an exchange for all the Stewart's I ran around town trying to find for him!

I am also excited to only be working one day this week! Even after my family leaves I still get my normal 3 days off! wooooohooooo! Tomorrow should be an interesting day, too. I think there may already be some controversy over the aforementioned new team wall. Leave it to salespeople to make a competition out of everything. we shall see.

Okay one more note-- can anyone out there tell me what a humidifier or dehumidifier (or whatever the F it's called) does? Will it keep me from waking up really stuffed up? Or is that just me getting sick? I have been feeling like crap lately, so I've also been mega slacking and skipping the gym. and then comes Thanksgiving Thursday and big dinner out Friday. it's no wonder people gain weight during the holidays. I refuse to be one of those people this year.

On a little bit of a sappier note, there is sooooo much out there to be thankful for this year! Even when things suck every now and then I remember that overall I have a really awesome life, with a great family, fantastic friends, and a good job that lets me live on my own and have an awesome time doing it. Even though we should be thankful every day, it's kind of refreshing to think that there's a day devoted to the glass being half full. :)

Well, I hope everyone out there has a fantastic holiday! And if you're traveling, be safe! Talk to you all later!


Blogger DutchGirl said...

humidifier: puts water back in the air so your nose isn't all dry. I have one b/c I get nosebleeds in winter without it (because the heat sucks the moisture out of the air).
dehumidifier: takes the water out of the air. This is especially good in the summer when there's so much humidity it feels like you're swimming.
I bet the humidifier will make you feel better.

Finally, I'd like to give a shout out to sweet potatoes, here maligned by Lis. As long as there are no marshmellows, or they have been baked into sweet potato pie, or mashed with cinnamin. YUM!! They put regular potatoes to shame.

11:54 PM


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