the ramblings of a displaced Philly girl

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

the best and worst of recent times

I am in an opinionated mood, so tonight you get to hear my rants and praises even if you don't care! But, if you don't care what I think, why are you here reading this anyway?! So without further ado...

The BEST of things:

Best bumper sticker: "Dont drink and park. Accidents cause people." as seen on a car this morning. I like clever bumper stickers! I refuse to clutter my pretty car with them, but I like reading other people's :)

Best commercial: the mega millions lottery one with the woman WAVING the stick at the big loaf of bread. Steph and I agree on this one-- I laughed sooo hard when I saw it. (yes, I'm sorry, Stephanie, that POKING was the wrong word!)

Best TV show ever: Gilmore Girls. I am absolutely addicted. It is the only show on TV I refuse to miss. A great combo of cleverness and comedy with some feelings thrown in.

Best fun new game: the Mega Millions lottery game! Ok now I only won 3 bucks, but still-- waiting around to see if you won and dreaming of $126 million in your pocket is worth the $1 it costs to play

Best on-the-way-to-and-from-softball music: Maroon 5. I have no idea why. Tonight's blogging is brought to you by Songs About Jane track 10.

Best TV shirt: "tell your boobs to stop staring at my eyes!" seen on a biker in New Orleans. hehehehehehe

Best taekwondo activity: playing with big sticks! Now they're really called "bongs" or something-- I can say it but i can't spell it-- and man are they fun to spin and attack with. thumbs up!

Best trashy magazine: Us Weekly. I am newly addicted, and I ashamedly admit I want to know what's going on with Nick and Jessica.

ok now the WORST of things:

Worst eating habit: I am sooo sick of Atkins! I overheard a conversation in the locker room at the gym yesterday that pissed me off-- this one woman (a stick) was telling her friend (a stick) that she couldn't believe she was eating fruit with lunch! She kept saying "PURE SUGAR" really obnoxiously! ahhhhhhh!!!!! this has gone too far!!!!!

Worst sports rule: no time limit on slowpitch softball playoff games! I mean c'mon-- we were getting killed like 26-2 and it was 40 degrees out! LET US GO HOME!

Worst thing about being an adult: work. close second: bills

Worst before work annoyance: incompetent grocery store workers-- especially experiencing multiple in one trip. close second: bad egg and cheese bagels.

Worst cheap wine: Woodbridge White Zinfandel. don't let the label fool you, it's worth even less than every measly penny of the two dollas it costs. (again, Stephanie, I'm sorry you were confused by my blog and had to visit it 6 times and still didn't get it!) :Þ

Worst at work experience: feeling like there's always something going on behind the scenes that involves you that you don't know about. and then finding out you're not crazy because other people feel the same way

Worst thing about rearranging your apartment: trying to clean up and reorganize afterwards. what a project!

Worst ongoing shopping issue: there is no MACY'S anywhere within 3.5 hours!!!!

okay I'm done. and I feel better. good night everyone :)


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