the ramblings of a displaced Philly girl

Monday, August 01, 2005

Weekend Recap: Being Clutch, Soaked, and Pregnant (but maybe not in that order!)

What an odd weekend! But, it ended up being a good one for the most part. Here's the scoop...

First of all, I passed my Motorcycle Safety Foundation Course! wooohoooo! watch out world, I know how to ride a bike and I'm NOT afraid to use one! :)

Yes, after getting up ridiculously early Saturday and Sunday and sweating my butt off riding around in long sleeves and jeans in the summer heat, I now know how to ride a bike. I was afraid I wouldn't pass at first. I SUCKED after the first day!!! Riding is definitely much more complicated than I thought it would be! My lord, by the time I figured out how much throttle to use and when to have the clutch in, the rest of the class was cruising around in like 3rd gear weaving in and out of cones. It was nuts.

BUT, I passed! I have decided I am totally clutch-- because I finally figured it out on the second day, even after it started completely POURING and we rode anyway. and even after being freaked out and watching one of my friends drop his bike on the sudden stop exercise (don't worry-- he wasn't hurt at all, but he did automatically fail), I passed the test with no trouble at all. And now all I have to do is take my card to the DMV, take the computer test, and I have a motorcycle license! woohoo! Now to figure out what kind of bike I want... Bikes are HOT! :)

And a new reason to like the boy-- when I was telling him about my class when he was here Saturday, he said learning how to ride has always been on his list of things to do. mmmm bikers... ;) but seriously-- things are better than ever. I still feel like I have a lot to learn about him, though, but there's plenty of time for that. There's so much good in what we have right now. I'm just trying to be fair and not write him off over the little stuff, because things really are working out so well. we'll see I guess.

So, sort of on the same lines, I go to work today and find out there is a rumor about me going around. And, normally rumors don't bother me much, because I figure if someone really feels the need to talk shit about me, I must be doing something right to be that important. But, today's rumor is a little bit different-- counselors apparently are saying that I am PREGNANT! WHAT?! I was super pissed. (and no, I am NOT unless they know something I don't!) So, I'm guessing someone just got confused, because there ARE three pregnant women on my team right now (which is just NUTS!) or, someone thinks I am fat (?) But, I am not sure what to be more offended by-- whatever the reason behind the rumor is, or the fact that when my team heard, they talked about immaculate conception. so should I be upset that no one even considers that I am actually getting any?! oh LORD!

Anyway, in random other notes, my team won the decorating contest from last post (hey, if we can't have the best stats on the floor, we'll have the best food days and decorations!), my weekend horoscope was eerily correct, AND the new Ikea catalog is out (sorry, but you all need to know! that's big!)

Ok one last thing. Anyone out there have any thoughts on friends with benefits in your 20's? good? bad? done it? not your style? I know this is a ridiculously random thought. and no, I have no plans to have one, but that's kind of it-- I have NEVER had one. I have never had a friend (random college hookuppage not included) that I wanted to be like that with. But apparently (after listening to much discussion), I am out of the norm. So, let me know what you think. If you do, I'll explain why I'm asking :)

ok guys. I have so much to do before going home for backpacking this weekend! CRAZY! so, if you need me for any reason, catch me before I'm in the California wilderness next week with NO cell phone (the horror!)

'til next post, be good kids! :)


Blogger DutchGirl said...

Friends with Benefits (FwB)- tricky, tricky. Somebody always seems to get confused and start liking the other one too much. Then you're not friends anymore. I feel much better about Booty Call (BC). Then you don't have to pretend that you didn't have sex/make out so you can have a normal conversation. Because there is no conversation. Because, really you don't care. Really.

9:23 PM

Blogger Allison said...

The complications of friends with benefits is a basically the thesis of When Harry Met Sally, one of the greatest romantic comedies of all time. I do believe guys and girls can just be friends. Chances are at least one of the friends is attracted to the other friend. Perhaps they're both attracted. Then you have problems--you already think this is a great person, or you wouldn't be friends with him/her. Add that to attraction and you're well on your way to becoming friends with benefits and then you can either segue into a relationship, and if not, you have to just accept that things will probably never be exactly the same. probably wont' be the end of the world either. Better to hookup with a friend than some random shadeball you meet at a bar.

10:05 PM

Blogger PMoose said...

ok I agree with both-- and believe me I totally understand if you're already attracted to each other anyway-- but what about like friends just helping each other out? like no plans ever again, no real huge attraction, just sex-- like mutual benefit just once. does that really work? is it weird that I think that's weird? maybe I need to give more context here...

4:39 PM

Blogger Allison said...

"helping each other out just once"...lis, you're making this sound like moving furniture...:-)

my theory is that if it happens "just once" and it's a good time, you will probably be inclined to help each other out more frequently. Which can be fun....or really messy. Or a bit of both.

7:11 PM

Blogger DutchGirl said...

My belief is that "When Harry Met Sally," though admittedly ADORABLE as a movie, is a big pile of stinking poo. But notice- things were platonic until the oops-we-had-sex. Then they didn't talk. THEN Harry figured out what he really felt (this is the part where it starts to smell wrong). I kind of feel like: if you have a good (platonic) friendship, don't muck it up; there will be sex in other places. If you have a person who isn't really a friend (i.e. you won't miss them all that much if they go away) whom you also find attractive, go for Booty Call status with that person. The only problem is getting to the booty call status without making an ass of yourself. I'm still not sure how one does that.

12:14 PM

Blogger PMoose said...

ok thanks girls :) remind me to give you some context here that will explain...

5:04 PM


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