Milestones & Other Recent Life
Yup, it's true! In 3 days, I will be the big 25!!! How crazy is that?! I will have lived a quarter century! I am really starting to feel old. And, upon saying that at work today, I did get yelled at by the mother hen 37 year-old on my team, but hey, to me it's old! But maybe older just means wiser... we shall see.
Anyway, in general I am not a huge fan of birthdays. I think it's because I always envision this absolutely wonderful fantastic day, and then I hit the day and realize that really it's just another day like any other, and also that it passes just as quickly as any other day ever does. So, this year I am pretty much expecting nothing, and I figure any birthday fun will only be a plus. But, with that said, I did just get a very random phone call from my father asking odd questions: did I remember when I was young and someone sent him a singing gorilla-gram for his birthday? then, hypothetically, would I get in trouble if I got something like that at work? and lastly, hypothetically, what would be my work address if he needed it for something sometime? and so, I am thinking this may turn out to be an interesting birthday yet...
On another birthday note-- If you live in VA Beach and haven't gotten the official invite to my birthday dinner @ Shogun yet, let me know :) It's going to be QUITE the fun night :)
Ok in other news, some of you know my parents came this weekend. Well, it was definitely an experience, namely because my brother was also along. Now, I love my brother. I really do. And, I also love spending time with him. But, it is hard for me to understand how two COMPLETELY different people came from the same two parents!!!!! so, with that said, you can understand how sometimes we can be like oil and water. and, because of that, I may not end up going on the backpacking trip this summer that I have been SO excited about. so, I'm hoping that all works out, because I'm already upset about it. Keep your fingers crossed.
And lastly, I would like you all to know that I WILL be getting married in the Azalea Garden at Norfolk Botanical Gardens. I have just about everything picked except the husband :) But, I am working on that! lol. Seriously, anyone else out there feel the pressure? I'm 25 and I have been going to 3 or 4 weddings of good friends every year for awhile now! I think I am behind or something. But that is a whole different subject. BUT, while we're on it-- for those of you that know my old roommate Sonja-- she is pregnant! Can you believe it?! And Hope just had a baby!!! wow how things change.
Anyway, I'm off to fix my collapsed closet. Yes, my closet fell completely apart. My father thinks this is hilarious, although he bit his tongue this time regarding the extent of my clothing collection, but I know it'll eventually come out. but anyway, now I have to clean up and reorganize. booooo. plus, it's another early work week, so I need to get to bed. gnight all! hope everyone out here has a great week! :)
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