the ramblings of a displaced Philly girl

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Return of Picks & Pans!

yes, I am in a mood! I know I haven't done 'em in awhile, but I am resurrecting them for a day. here ya go!


organizing-- I LOVE organizing! most of you know not everything is always in its place... but having a place for everything is so fun! Here are my current favorite organizing items, just in case you were wondering :Þ 1) hanging a shoe pocket thing on the door of my linen closet-- pockets for everything! sun lotion, sunglasses, travel size stuff, nail stuff... so handy and space saving! 2) the things that go under cabinets with the pull out drawers & lazy susans-- make cabinets organized and make everything easy to reach! 3) drawer separators-- the grid ones in my sock drawer have been a long time favorite, but the new spring-loaded dividers I got are fantastic!!! I am such a nerd :)

summer-- YAY SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE!!!! thank god for warm weather and SUNSHINE! :)

tanning-- k maybe not the healthiest thing on earth, BUT-- I'm only going for a month, and I LOVE being tan for just the work of 10 minutes a few times a week! and I love even MORE the whole no tan line thing!!!

family-- I haven't seen mine since Christmas, and I can't possibly tell you how excited I am for my parents and brother coming next weekend!!!! I miss them :(

losing weight-- so far: 25 pounds! fitting into stuff you haven't work in a long time has to be the BEST feeling ever!!! still more to go, but I am loving this!

fun at work-- today I went to an important meeting, but I was the only supe on the floor, so my boss sat at my desk and watched my team for me. wouldn't think much of it, except then I read my emails when I got back... he had sent two emails to the floor from my email, and at the end of both he wrote some silly message about how great he and the other managers are! but, of course it came from me and had my signature, so I actually got serious responses back-- one from our new manager thanking me for saying so. I felt SO bad! But even WORSE-- then my boss emailed me when he got back to his own desk responding to his own message saying "thanks, Lisa!" I laugh out loud every time I think about it! I gave him a hard time about it later, and he just grinned a Cheshire Cat grin and said, "I love my job!" it's hilarious that my boss is just a big kid in a 6'8" 400 pound body :) yay for laughs amidst the normal corporate bullshit.

fun TV-- The Office CRACKS me UP in a very weird dry sense of humor way. but any of you that work in corporate America can relate I'm sure! now, I hear the original BBC version is better, but I love the new one too. and I have to admit, Making the Band 3 is TOTALLY my new guilty pleasure. "DIVAS!" :)


Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes-- WTF?! how in the world did that happen??????

the absence of the wave-- okay you know when you are driving and decide to be nice and let someone out in front of you? what ever happened to the little thank you wave?! it really annoys me when people just drive on without even looking back! just another example of the "I'm entitled" attitude of rudeness that has permeated modern day society. whatever happened to common courtesy?!

Curt Schilling-- who does he think he is?! he is NOT king of the world! and to criticize the manager of ANOTHER team that he obviously has very little knowledge of?! CLASSLESS! I've hated him since he left Philly and decided he was the shit.

accounting-- I am going to need a BIG margarita after the final on Tuesday...

long days-- yesterday I worked 12 hours, and because two of my peers are out, I spent all of it running around like a chicken with my head cut off. and to make it worse, the day ended with the dreaded staff meeting, and then when I finally got to CPCU class, wouldn't it just figure that I was THAT girl: my cell phone rang very loudly-- okay-- but then my "Let's Get it On" voicemail ringer came on in front of the HR director and two building managers. oops. what a day.

belly buttons-- I just really hate belly buttons! and belly button lint is gross! What is the point of belly buttons anyway?!

breaking in new shoes-- ow my feet hurt :(

okay back to relaxing... and probably a nap. these early afternoons would be SO mice if I could stay awake to enjoy them :) later all!

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Embarrassing Moments...

What an interesting week-- I spent all of last Sunday morning on the back of a bike on a 100 mile charity ride, only to hear about it all week at work! why? well, let's just say that ride provides perfect fodder for a blog post. Some of you have already heard of some of my other embarrassing moments, but if you haven't, they're all typed out below. So, have fun laughing at my mishaps! Really I just need a break from Accounting, since my April balance sheet does NOT work out and I have given up on trying to figure out why... and after the discovery of G. Love's "I-76," I'm in a totally fun mood. This song is SO going on my fun summer mix! (how could it not with a chorus: "oooh 76'ers... Charles Barkley... dissed Larry Bird") :)

Embarrassing Moments #1 & 2 (pretty embarrassing)

Somehow I find myself always running into things. And these two moments were no exception. In moment #1, I was in Washington D.C. with my family when I was 11ish. And as we were walking along the street to the next destination, I was particularly fascinated by the random people all along the sidewalks playing trash cans and other homemade musical instruments. So, at one place with a large population of performers, I got so into watching them that I didn't notice the pole right in front of me. Yes, I walked straight into a light pole. Head on. In fact, it was so bad, that ALL of the street performers on the corner stopped playing to make sure I was okay, as all of the other tourists stop for a second to watch in horror. yeah...

But, that was not enough. 10 years or so later I was in Philly with some of my softball friends I had brought home. Overall it was a fantastic weekend to be home! It was NBA All-Star weekend in the city, which meant there were celebrities everywhere-- Charles Barkley and Justin Timberlake at Finningan's, LL Cool J hanging out of his limo on South Street, Don Cheadle and his bodyguards in line at Pat's... and yes this was the weekend when I asked Jerry West to take a picture of me and Danny Ainge, which WOULD have been an embarrassing moment if I had realized at the time. but anyway, I digress. So, I decided to take the girls to KoP, and after a long day of shopping, we decided to hit up Dick Clark's American Bandstand Grill for lunch. and this time I forget exactly what I was looking at, but I do remember that I didn't notice the glass door. and yes, I ran smack into it. head first. and this time I fell over too. And for those of you that have played sports, you know your teammates never let you live ANYTHING down. yeah that was fun.

Embarassing Moment #3 (VERY embarrassing)

so now we get back to last weekend. First of all, this was my first time on a bike other than a short ride on Ramseys' R6, but that was a long time ago. he also had a full faced helmet. So, when in the middle of this ride, I switch bikes and end up with a half helmet thing, I discover I am not very good at putting it on. Also keep in mind that this ride is with the riders' group at WORK, so basically I see these people all day every day. so anyway, after stopping in North Carolina, my bike ends up being the lead bike heading back to Pungo, so we load up and get going. And after riding for a little bit, we look back and notice everyone is gone! we stop and wait for a minute, but no one comes, so we continue on our way, although we definitely agree it was very Twilight Zone. So when we get to our next destination and see everyone there already, it's a surprise. And, when everyone, led by my boss, is cracking up and pointing when we get there, it's another surprise. Are they laughing because we took the long route? NO! They're laughing because I just spent the entire 45 minute part of that ride with my helmet on backwards, and since we were the lead bike, EVERYONE noticed! In fact, it was the joke ALL week thanks to my boss telling everyone in the office ("the DOT was in the front and the HJC was in the back! and she didn't even notice!") Yeah I don't think I'll live that one down for awhile...

Embarassing Moment #4 (HUMILIATING)

I was lucky enough to have had a couple of great interviews my last semester and ended up with a final round interview where a company flew me to Rhode Island to talk to the company execs. good deal, right? Well, keep in mind that I graduated the semester after 9-11 AND I was flying out of Dulles (D.C.), so security was pretty tight. So when I learned the security pattern at Dulles flying out, I wasn't at all surprised: first put your stuff through the thingy, then go over to the uniformed air marshall, who while looking extremely mean will do the little wand thingy all over you to make sure you're not packing anything else. Then go collect your things and catch your flight. Easy enough, right? So, I fly from Dulles to Providence, go through my interview, and prepare to leave for home from the rinky dink little Providence airport. So, I put my bags on the conveyor belt, thinking I knew the drill, and then walked over to the uniformed person with my arms out. And it was then that the air marshall looked confused and said "ummmm.... did... you... want a hug?" Yes, it turns out that in Providence, only CERTAIN passengers are subject to the little wand thingy. oops. but at least I gave everyone at the airport a good laugh :)

so there you have it. my most embarrassing moments. luckily all laughable now :) If you have any good ones, post them! and if not, talk to you again next post. later all!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I am Charlie Brown...

Okay I am not in much of a posting mood, and I know ya'll read but don't say much anyway, so here's something just random and fun to do. And take a sec to post your result, k? Thanks to Joe for the silly email!

Everyone has a personality of a cartoon character. Have you ever asked yourself what cartoon character do you most resemble?

A group of investigators got together and analyzed the personalities of well-known and modern cartoon characters. The information that was gathered was made into this test. Answer all the questions with what describes you best, add up all your points (which are next to the answer that you choose) at the end and look for your results.

Do not cheat by looking at the end of the e-mail before you are done. And remember to post your result so your friends know what character you are too!

1) Which one of the following describes the perfect date?
(a) Candlelight dinner (4 pts.)
(b) Fun/Theme park (2 pts.)
(c) Painting in the park (5 pts.)
(d) Rock concert (1 pt.)
(e) Going to the movies (3 pts.)

2) What is your favorite type of music?
(a) Rock 'n Roll (2 pts.)
(b) Alternative (1 pt.)
(c) Soft Rock (4 pts.)
(d) Country (5 pts.)
(e) Pop (3 pts.)

3) What type of movies do you prefer?
(a) Comedy (2 pts.)
(b) Horror (1 pt.)
(c) Musical (3 pts.)
(d) Romance (4pts.)
(e) Documentary (5 pts.)

4) Which one of these occupations would you choose if you only could choose one of these?
(a) Waiter (4 pts.)
(b) Professional Sports Player (5 pts.)
(c) Teacher (3pts.)
(d) Police (2 pts.)
(e) Cashier (1 pt .)

5) What do you do with your spare time?
(a) Exercise (5 pts.)
(b) Read (4 pts.)
(c) Watch television (2 pts.)
(d) Listen to music (1 pt.)
(e) Sleep (3 pts.)

6) Which one of the following colors do you like best?
(a) Yellow (1 pt.)
(b) White (5 pts.)
(c) Sky Blue (3 pts.)
(d) Dark Blue (2 pts.)
(e) Red (4 pts.)

7) What do you prefer to eat right now?
(a) Snow (3 pts.)
(b) Pizza (2 pts)
(c) Sushi (1 pt.)
(d) Pasta (4 pts.)
(e) Salad (5 pts.)

8) What is your favorite holiday?
(a) Halloween (1 pt.)
(b) Christmas (3 pts.)
(c) New Year (2 pts.)
(d) Valentine's Day (4 pts)
(e) Thanksgiving (5 pts.)

9) If you could go to one of these places, which one would it be?
(a) Paris (4 pts.)
(b) Spain (5 pts.)
(c) Las Vegas (1 pt.)
(d) Hawaii (4 pts.)
(e) Hollywood (3 pts.)

10) With which of the following would you prefer to spend time with?
(a) Someone smart (5 pts.)
(b) Someone attractive (2 pts.)
(c) Someone who likes to party (1 pt.)
(d) Someone who always has fun (3 pts.)
(e) Someone very sentimental (4 pts.)

Now add up your points and find out the answer you have been waiting for!

(10-16 points) You are Garfield:
You are very comfortable, easygoing, and you definitely know how to have fun, but sometimes you take it to an extreme. You always know what you are doing and you are always in control of your life. Others may not see things as you do, but that doesn't mean that you always have to do what is right. Try to remember your happy spirit may hurt you or others.

(18-26 points) You are Snoopy:
You are fun, you are very cool and popular. You always know what's in and you never are out of style. You are good at know! ing how to satisfy everyone else. You have probably disappeared for a few days more than once, but you always come home with the family values that you learned. Being married and having children are important to you, but only after you have had your share of fun times.

(22-28 points) You are Arnold:
You have lots of friends and you are also popular, always willing to give advice and help out a person in need. You are very optimistic and you always see the bright side of things. Some good advice: Try not to be too much of a dreamer. If not, you will have many conflicts with life.

(29-34 points) You are Sponge Bob Square Pants:
You are the classic person that everyone loves. You are the best friend that anyone could ever have and never want to lose. You never cause harm to anyone and they would never not understand your feelings. Life is a journey, it's funny and calm for the most part. Stay away from traitors and jealous people, then you will be stress free.

(35-42 points) You are Charlie Brown:
You are tender, you fall in love quickly but you are also very serious about all relationships. You are a family person. You call your mom every Sunday. You have many friends and may occasionally forget a few birthdays. Don't let your passion confuse you with reality.

(43-50 points) You are Dexter:
You are smart and definitely a thinker. Every situation is fronted with a plan. You have a brilliant mind. You demonstrate very strong family principles. You maintain a stable routine and never ignore a bad situation when it comes.

hope you had at least a little bit of silly email quiz fun! :) til next post...

Saturday, April 16, 2005

It's Almost Summer!!!! :)

ok I've talked about my recent downloading kick before, but lately I've been having even MORE fun! woohoo! I am burning my ultimate summer songs CD's in preparation for the fast-approaching warm weather, and there were so many songs to pick from, I had to make 2 volumes! so, before I burn, I am posting my playlist. Let me know what you think! Especially let me know if there are summer essentials that are missing! I basically just filled it with fun songs that make me smile... and that I could imagine on in the car with the sunroof open on the way to the beach... ok here goes:

Disc 1:

1- Jimmy Buffet- Margaritaville
2- Counting Crows- Einstein on the Beach
3- Beach Boys- California Girls
4- Bobby McFarrin- Don't Worry Be Happy
5- Billy Joel- River of Dreams
6- James- Laid (never knew the title of this!)
7- Ben Harper- Steal My Kisses
8- Neil Diamond- Sweet Caroline
9- Bryan Adams- Summer of 69
10- Jamiroquai- Virtual Insanity
11- Lauryn Hill- Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
12- Tom Petty- American Girl
13- Sheryl Crow- Everyday Is A Winding Road
14- CCR- Proud Mary
15- Prince- Kiss
16- Queen- Fat Bottomed Girls
17- The Foundations- Build Me Up Buttercup
18- Van Morrison- Brown Eyed Girl
19- Stealer's Wheel- Stuck in the Middle With You
20- Steve Miller Band- Joker
21- War- Low Rider
22- Boston- More Than A Feeling

Disc 2:

1- Simon & Garfunkel- Cecilia
2- DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince- Summertime
3- Del Amitri- Roll to Me (never knew the title of this either!)
4- Blue Suede- Hooked on a Feeling
5- Basement Jaxx- Do Your Thing (funnest song ever!)
6- Soul Kid #1- More Bounce in California (2nd funnest song ever!)
7- K-os- Crabbuckit (3rd funnest song ever! ...ok i'm done :Þ)
8- Joss Stone- Super Duper Love
9- The Clarks- Butterflies & Airplanes
10- John Cougar Mellencamp- Jack & Diane
11- Michael Jackson- The Way You Make Me Feel
12- Red Hot Chili Peppers- Love Rollercoaster
13- Fastball- You're An Ocean
14- Spin Doctors- Two Princes
15- Pharrell feat. Jay-Z- Frontin'
16- Sister Hazel- Change Your Mind
17- Beatles- Help!
18- Fountains of Wayne- Red Dragon Tattoo
19- Weezer- Surf Wax America
20- Indigo Girls- Closer to Fine
21- Jack Johnson- Wasting Time

okay let me know what you think! Love it? let me know and I'll burn you a copy :) Hate it? let me know what you'd change so I can definitely have a fantastic summertime CD! And either way, post YOUR summertime favorites and why! :) k later all!

Friday, April 15, 2005


yeah I know it's been awhile. sorry! sheesh! you can stop sending me nasty IM's now :) anyway, as a first non-vacation post in awhile, I've decided that I needed to pay homage to the people and things in this world that have passed on. enjoy...

my pale skin-- yep, that's right-- I'm tanning for the first time in my life! and I think I definitely have noticeable color. now, my ass got really burnt today. god knows why since nothing else did. but hey, this no tan lines thing is the best thing since sliced bread!

The Pope-- yes, we're being serious for a sec. I believe the Pope John Paul II to have been a great man, standing up for values and humanity like no past Pope. and the fact that he achieved what he did with his humble Polish heritage makes him even more honorable. I'm not Catholic or anything, but I still hope that whoever succeeds him will be as worthy of respect as he was. one last note though: did anyone else think the way they had him placed in St. Peter's was just a little creepy looking?!

quality packaging-- I agree with Steph on this one-- metal Band-Aid tins were great! everything is all paper and plastic and now. no more styrofoam either, which is odd considering that's all you used to be able to get. I guess it's all still sitting at the dump now, though :) Long live the classics!

Y100-- okay this I might have to explain. see, Y100 was Philly's rock station. It was a HUGE part of the city, sponsoring major concerts, playing all sorts of new artists that no one else would, and even supporting charity through its Sonic Sessions CD every year that I absolutely refused to miss. But, even though you'd think the 3rd largest radio market in the country should have a rock station, Y100 was bought out and shut down. And I am very very sad. It should say something when 65,000 people have signed the online petition to bring it back. Even famous bands have voiced their support! Read the story here and sign the petition if you want to do something about it! go! NOW!

Brad & Jen-- what terrible horrible news! They were my best friends! okay not really, but I had read so many US magazines that they might as well have been! Down with Angelina Jolie! hehehehe.

Terri Schiavo-- coincidentally a Bucks County native apparently. who knew? I don't want to get into the politics of this, especially because my viewpoint on it drastically changed the more I heard and learned about it. But, I do want to say that I think Terri Schiavo's death raises important questions to our society, and I don't think it will be soon forgotten in the courts or in Washington. we shall see.

cheap gas-- ahhh I remember the days of 85 cent gas... I even remember filling up my little Sentra in college for like $12! But, then I went and bought a luxury car that only takes premium, we went to war with Iraq, and now I am paying the price. $2.40 a gallon to be exact. grrrrrrr.

proper grammar-- yeah yeah yeah I know I always harp on this, but seriously-- have you READ some of the emails people write? and I REFUSE to use "U" or "R" in my IM conversations. I just can't do it. The worst part, though, is that I now actually write emails at WORK with lowercase letters starting sentences! ahhhh! anyway, this is my favorite new quote: "Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care." -- William Safire :)

my early twenties-- yes, this May 12th, I will be 25. I think I just might cry! 25 is old! In less than a month, I'll officially be on the downside of my twenties!!! I am really sad just thinking about all the things I thought I would have accomplished before this age and what I actually have... :(

summer vacation... and recess!-- with more responsibility comes less free time. and it's really depressing to think that I will be working for the next 40 some years of my life. I really need to marry rich!!! anyway, here's to the memory of that half hour a day and 3 months every year of doing absolutely nothing but fun. but hey, my life as is and my frequent cash shopping sprees are a good trade-off I guess, right? hmmm....

low-salt Cheez-Its-- back when the latest diet craze was low salt, I fell in love with Cheez-Its, and they became my favorite snack food. Actually, everything low-salt was good-- I even used to eat no-salt potato chips! But, now that that damn Atkins guy has taken over the food market and it's suddenly healthy to eat a whole package of bacon in one sitting instead of snacking on harmless cheesy goodness. I've had enough!

chivalry-- other than the cute guy that immediately stood up and let the two women take his place on the Metro last weekend, I really think chivalry is dead. It's impossible to find a decent guy in general, much less one that will actually open doors for you and do all the sweet man stuff! If anyone knows any single cute chivalrous guys in VA Beach that don't exhibit any of the annoying qualities of the recent dates I have had, PLEASE let me know!!!!

Revlon Outrageous-- my absolute favorite shampoo ever. I'm not sure exactly why except that I LOVE the way it smells and I like how it leaves my hair too. Plus, it's not anywhere near as expensive as my new favorite Artec Kiwi series (thanks to Luann and Chez Madeline for this discovery), and it doesn't break my hair like Pantene usually does. But, thankfully, things that go out of production are still available for years on eBay :)

ok back to living in the present day. I am so excited about this weekend, too. finally relaxing tomorrow and then going on a v. fun bike ride on Sunday! maybe this will make me lean towards finally seriously considering getting one... Ninja 250 here I come! :Þ anyway, I hope you all enjoy your night and the rest of your weekend!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

D.C. and all that

ahhh home again. and so tired. wish I didn't have a conscience so I could just call out sick tomorrow... anyway, what a crazy weekend! thought I'd share a little before bed.

well, Steph and I went up to northern VA for the weekend to take care of some of her wedding stuff. and, she was able to book a great photographer, which was a big piece. And she might have been able to book a cake person and a DJ... if either of them had shown up. umm yeah. or as we would say... hhhyeah. but the weekend was also about getting away and having a little fun, which we definitely did! so, here are more of the adventures of Lisa and Stephanie... if you don't think we're as funny as we think we are, you can stop reading here and wait for the next blog :Þ

first of all, let me just say that Macy's is still the best store on earth!!!! We went to Pentagon City for some great shopping and to catch the Metro into the city, and of course I instantly found the elusive perfect summer blazer I have been looking for! I also finally got my hands on the Stila shadow I have been wanting forever at Sephora which made my day. well, that alone would have made my day, but then the day got even better and more interesting. we caught the Metro up to D.C. with the thousands of other people in town for the Cherry Blossom Festival. basically, we went from the mall to... well... The Mall. and the city was gorgeous! and of course it didn't hurt that the weather was absolutely perfect. so we walked around for awhile before deciding to head back, but we were both dying of thirst! so when the blue tent with "refreshments" in big bold letters caught our eye, we decided to make a pit stop and got in line.

and it was there that I noticed my college suitemate's boyfriend in line near us. an odd coincidence, so I decided to at least say hi. and when I did, all of a sudden there were three girls running towards me with much screaming ensuing in the refreshment line! it turns out Shari was visiting from Philly, Allison was there with her boyfriend, and Kimmy was with them too! This was quite possibly the weirdest moment of my life. out of the hundreds of thousands of people in the city that day (believe me I know-- they were apparently all trying to get on the Metro to head back at the same time we were), how in the world did I happen to run into all three of my college best friends?! I haven't even seen Shari or Allison for over a year! what a small world.

well anyway, the randomness and fun of that STILL hasn't worn off, but we finally decided to go back and go to dinner. and of course we had to eat at Carrabbas! so we get there are finally get seated and order our wine... but then the wine comes and the night was just ALL over from there. first, the waiter uncorks it and pours a little for Steph. and because she felt weird I guess with us just sitting there staring at her and waiting for her to taste it and all, she says "don't worry-- we know what we're doing. we went to a wine festival!" oh lord I was DYING laughing.

the waiter also apparently thought it was funny, because he came back and flirted with us quite a bit that night. but that was only the beginning. this was a big bottle of wine and Steph was driving, so I had to drink up! and well, I definitely had more wine than normal. so we go to leave and there's still about a glass left in the bottle, and I'm kind of sad that we paid for it and didn't drink it all. so Steph has the great idea that hey, if we paid for it, we should just take it with us! I mean really, why the heck not?! so, I smuggled what is now known as the fugitive wine into my Dooney, and off we went.

still not ready to call it a night, we decided to head to Borders. and on the way over I wasn't quite sure what to do with the wine, so I suggested putting it in the cup holder, which thankfully Steph immediately shot down! oh lord. so anyway, we get to Borders. and when we get inside and see the magazine rack, we decide that maybe it's finally time to buy the Playgirl that has been an inside joke since our San Antonio airport trauma. so I head off to find it... and I found the section with everything in plastic, but I couldn't find the Playgirl! so, I start looking for other magazines in plastic, and wouldn't it just figure the next thing I find is computer magazines???? so, after many comments relating to floppy disks versus hard drives, it was definitely all over. we were being SO stupid and we could NOT stop laughing. yes, I admit-- I was THAT girl in Borders on Saturday night.

well anyway, today was also pretty uneventful other than the random hiking along the river by the Bull Run Battlefield in my Nine West 3 inch heeled dress shoes. but that was actually fun! plus, after all the excitement of Saturday and the craziness of the rest of the weekend, we had plenty to keep us entertained. plus, the car is fun too! like, have you ever tried to do the running man while you're sitting down?! (hey, I was inspired by U Can't Touch This-- or as Steph says 'Don't Touch Me'-- on my iPod!) Plus, just think of all the fun songs there are out there to belt out! (my personal favorites are Double Dutch Bus and It's All Coming Back to Me Now, although Steph prefers Wilson Phillips) :)

so anyway, we're back home safe and sound. and it was definitely a nice break from the daily grind.
and really-- I figure we act so professional and straight-laced at work all week (or "perfect," as a certain manager called us) that we deserve to have a little fun on our weekends. anyway-- check out the pictures below to see some of our fun. and I promise this week I'll get back to blogging about something with a point :Þ

hope everyone had a fun weekend!!!! gnight all.

the fugitive Cabernet in my Dooney :) we are SO dumb.

Allison, Shari, me, and Kimmy reunited in the middle of D.C. three years after college...

a pic of the Washington Monument over the Cherry Blossoms. The city was so pretty this weekend!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

San Antonio: Part II

okay okay here it is! sheesh! :) and it's gonna be short now cuz it was awhile ago!

Day 3: Saturday

loooong show day. and it was crowded!!! luckily we still had the Jennifers to keep us entertained when it got late and hard to keep standing. we were so tired later that we didn't even want to do the 5 minute drive home to get cleaned up for dinner. plus, it was pouring rain. so, we went straight to River Walk in jeans, sneakers, and our company name everywhere and went to a nice Italian restaurant :) even when the boys called to go dancing, we decided sleep sounded like more fun! so CC went back to her room and Steph and I ended up crashing to SNL an hour earlier than usual (dang central time). did anyone else see the Ashton Kutcher episode? surprisingly funny!!! his Kevin Federline impression was hilarious! (I look like I stink, yo. but I don't yo...)

Day 4: Sunday

ahhh the LAST day of the show. luckily it wasn't as crazy as Saturday so we hung out and just talked to people and had fun. and to give our stuff away, we graduated from carrots to flames. now, I originally called everything this as a joke, and Steph and CC made fun of me. but wouldn't you know then they started saying it too! and CC even started telling customers we were giving them flames because our company is so hot! oh lord. anyway, long story, but we were giving away green bandanas stuffed in orange can coolers and then red bandanas, so I gave them names :)

I have two favorite Sunday moments, one from the show and one after: my first is when I told Fernando/Jennifer about the "party" tent a few down from us (I was just kidding around-- it was a booth selling a bunch of kinky stuff). So he takes me down to the booth, puts his arm around me, and says "this is my wife. what do you have for us?" and that was the start of Fernando being my husband... I posted a pic below :) The second greatest moment was back in our room: see, Steph bought chaps. and no, she doesn't own a bike or a horse. you can figure it out from there :Þ well, when she first bought them, Eddie (Jenny) put them on her. Well, then in our room on Sunday she tried to put them on herself. OMG!!! she was rolling around on the bed and jumping around, and after 20 minutes, she STILL had not figured them out. so funny!!!!! I guess that's what boys are for...

anyway, we had to say goodbye to the boys Sunday, so we packed up and headed out. and since it was our last night and we wanted to make the most of it, we went back down to River Walk and had a nice dinner, took the little fun cruise thing, and hung out for awhile at a cool little martini bar. good times in the big city. I was kind of sad to pack up! I absolutely love travelling. I could have stayed another week.

Day 5: Monday

CC does not realize how silly Steph and I can get, and when we were exhausted from a long week and ready to leave Monday, it started coming out! Steph started scatting, I started hissing ("is there a snake in the car?!") , and we were getting lost all over the place. we should've known that was a bad sign too-- when we finally returned the car and got to the airport, we found out our flight was delayed. and of course, by the time we got to Atlanta, we got there just in time to watch our connecting fight pull away from the gate. oooh so much fun.

well, a couple hours and a few large drinks at Friday's later, we finally caught a flight home. and by then all of the stupdity wasn't as funny anymore and we all just needed to be done with all the travelling. we did have fun on the plane, though! did you all used to play MASH in elementary school? oh we definitely broke that out 15 years later for some good old kiddie fun :) I found out I'm going to marry Danny Devito and live in a shack... lol. anyway, I'm back (as you know), the trip was fun, and I'm already bugging our event people to go somewhere else! gotta love vacation on company money!!!!

anyway, that's the whole story. and I'm posting the rest of the pics below so you can check em out. I am traveling again this weekend to NoVA for some wedding stuff with Steph, so that should be another nice little break. now I have to go clean though so that when my friend-slash-cat-sitter comes over, this place isn't a disaster area :) later all!

last night on River Walk... me, CC, and our martinis

me and my hubby

clowning around at the show... I started a fashion trend! :)

Eddie/Jenny putting on Steph's chaps :)

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Saturday Part 2: B is for BOOF

okay I need to write about the rest of yesterday while I'm still smiling to myself about it, so here goes... and for those of you who have asked for San Antonio Part 2, I promise I'll do it soon!

ok so anyway, last night I had a total first. There's this hilarious counselor on our systems team that is openly gay and often does drag shows. well, last time he had one, he invited everyone, but I was on my Six Foot Four date and couldn't go. so, I DEFINITELY wanted to go this time and have some fun. and it did not disappoint! I mean, I have to admit I was a little scared at first, because this was also my first gay bar experience and I had no idea what to expect... but I think it was funny that every guy there said in these places you can tell the straight people from a mile away. how?! got me but hey whatever works. so anyway, Ryan hosted the show as "Alexis" while other shemales came out and entertained as people lined up to tip. and then every so often, a real male dancer would come out and entertain, although he was a little scary... (but not as scary as the guy last time I hear!)

and just an ODD side note, if you wondered where the randomness about the pregnancy thing on my last post came from, it was in a dream. and, well, the random subject of my dream also happened to be at this bar last night. weird!

ok taking a break for a sec-- I also need to say that this was all a nice change from the rest of my night. After seeing the sad state of my iPod (only 9 gigs filled!) I decided that maybe I am not the music fan I thought I was and have since gone on an absolute downloading frenzy. I've been going through all the artists I like and seeing what songs I don't have and adding them. Well, I noticed that one of the people I don't have is Neil Diamond! okay okay before you start throwing things at your screen, let me explain!!!! see, I was raised on Neil Diamond. I was also raised on a lot of other music, like all of the great composers, Simon & Garfunkel, Joni Mitchell, Jim Croce... but Neil Diamond is the music that I remember in the car on road trips and playing in the kitchen while my mother was cooking... and, since I'm writing about firsts, I should tell you that Neil Diamond was also my first concert! Yes, my parents took me and my brother to see him when I was 5. and I still remember the sequined jumpsuits and all the chest hair. so Neil Diamond has special memories-- my mother still jokes about when I was young and I misunderstood the words to one of his songs, so I'd all of a sudden start belting out, "pillllloooooow, my friend... pillllloooooow...". so, just a warning-- if you wonder sometime (like last night) what I am singing under my breath, it just may be good old Neil.

anyway, back to last night. so after the official show ended, a couple of us stayed and tried to make the most out of the really bad techno beat in our favorite music. but, dancing was pretty hard, so I settled in and just talked to some new people. and I am SURE that one of the longer conversations I had is going to get me into trouble no matter how it pans out, but oh well. so, it was getting late, daylight savings time was approaching, and Steph and I didn't feel like paying cover to go to Shakespeare's, so we decided to go eat and call it a night. so off to Village Inn we went...

And it was there that the title of the blog comes from. if you have ever been around me and Steph, you know that we come up with the STUPIDEST inside jokes and they are all COMPLETELY random. and, last night was no exception. after listening to some Lil' Jon on the way over and somehow ending up screaming "ooooh ski ski mothafucka!!!" in an Asian accent, we went in to find a wait. and, actually, I'm kind of glad, because through it I learned a very important lesson: there are BOOTHS and then there are BOOFS! and let me tell you, after the description from the guy next to me, I want to sit at a boof from now on :) and he even said that I could totally do the boof. woohoo! i'm all pimped out, yo! (umm, or something like that!) must be all the hip hop classes :Þ

so anyway, that was my crazy Saturday. hope you enjoyed. and 'til I finally blog San Antonio part 2, peace out. and word to your mother. and last but not least, YO MAMA! (k don't worry, I'm really done now!) :)

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Apparently I am out of style...

yes, why didn't you all tell me? See, Steph and I went to the mall today, and it was quite possibly one of the worst shopping trips ever. There was NOTHING ANYWHERE in my size. all the stores had the sizes above and the sizes below, but not mine. all day I searched and searched, only to be disappointed every time! so, then I finally found the perfect little white blazer at Hecht's in my normal size (woohoo!), but then I tried it on and it was too big. and of course, they did not have the size below. So, I have decided that I am out of style, and no one told me. And now I am mad at you all for keeping me in the dark. I would tell you if you suddenly weren't fashionable!

anyway, moving on... I think I will write a letter to JC Penneys. That store sucks. I normally don't even go in, but it was the end of the day and I still needed a cute blazer to match my adorable new camisole top, so I decided to give it a try. But then I couldn't decide if I liked any of the clothes I had picked out, because the dressing room was so small that I couldn't see myself. and the floors were nasty and clothes were EVERYWHERE and not even in any kind of size order. Well, I finally found a dressing room that was okay (my theory was right: women's section: bigger women= bigger dressing rooms!) and ended up with a cute little cheap summer skirt. but I will definitely go back to my policy of no Penneys. ick. and now I have a reason to boycott it other than just being a snob. :)

so, it was a pretty unproductive day other than my cute new lingerie camisole and the fun of convincing Steph to buy a really crazy but way fun pair of pants at The Limited. Because hey, if I'm not in style, at least I can help someone who is.

And in one last random Saturday note, I would just like to make sure that you all know that you CAN still get pregnant, even if the guy you're sleeping with is gay. so for god's sake, be safe out there! :Þ

ok kids, 'til next post, be good! I'm out til the blog bug strikes me again...